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Godfather: Horse Head

There are so many things that I like and dislike from the scene from The Godfather. At the very beginning, the camera work around the mansion seems very wonky, even though it is intentional, I don't buy the producer's 'zoom to the right then switch to zooming to the left' movement. To me, this is very confusing to my eyes, even though I knew exactly what is happening, the fact that the dissolve is used when both cuts are still moving to the opposite direction of one another is a turn-off in my personal opinion. Then the eerie music kicked in as the camera zooms into the window of tthe mansion and a fast dissolve into its bedroom inside, showing the exact same window from the inside. What I love about this scene is the increase in tension as the camera dollies towards the man ( I never watch the movie, but I am certain he is getting into trouble ), the eerie music sped up dramatically as we get close towards him. The event is then forshadowed by the small blood stain, this let the audience know danger is ahead before the character, which I really love. We get to see the man's reaction, as he slowly gain his conscious and realized that he is in trouble.

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