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Notes jotted after Professor Kane's Critique

Lurker will have 3 preys in the short> He successfully baited first 2. The first one being very easy. The second prey is harder to catch, smarter and all, but he managed to eat it. THE THIRD however, is VERY difficult. It plays with the Lurker and that makes him mad and emerges from the dune and make effort to catch it.

LURKER - Add more to his character,getting cocky after 3 meals – celebration dance

  • Has very disgusting personality eg. Play w/ his prey, torture them b4 eating.

(So audience hates the Lurker and he deserves to die)

- STH wrong in his third attempt to bait the prey (snake tail) – stuck in sth etc

- gets soo pissed that he has to come up and chase the prey

- finally got the prey! GOTCHA! Soo cheerful, does his dance :D

-Shadow creeps in > his face goes ‘Uh Oh’ à Cut to Apex Snake roaring

- Cut to black/ bite sound

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