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The Fallen Art by Tomek Baginski

This animation does not follow the classical storytelling by any means. It is almost impossible to predict what is going to happen next. There is no clear conflict established to the audience. We do not know from whose perspective we are watching, who is the main character, or what are these characters doing. It brings us in the middle of an ongoing event without any explanation whatsoever and reveal it afterwards. The whole 6 minutes is very random, disturbing, chaotic, and VERY confusing, yet it makes a lot of sense at the end.

This tells us that there is no need to follow the classical means of story telling as long as you are able to give the audiences strong message and convey deep emotion , the piece can still be successful. I really enjoyed this piece's pitch black sense of humor and its intelligent use of sarcasm reflecting the real world's hideous concept of war and politics.

In medias res

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