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Project 2 - "Terraria": On the Loose

A) This is a concept that I have for project 2 as well as a potential senior project. I had always wanted to build a world of my own where i get to design the environment and its inhabitants since the first time I watched James Cameron's Avatar. I came up with an idea of post apocalyptic world after the downfall of human civilization called Terraria. It was repopulated by animals, whose sentience level rose to those of modern day humans' and replace us. Humans still exists but our technological advances made us rely on it too much and that let us to our downfall, we lost our ability to think.

WIth this rough concept in mind, I still have not come up with any solid narrative or story yet and I hope I could develop that in this class.

^ Evolved animals repopulate the ruins of human civilizationn

^ Friday Evenning

^ Spikey Model

Spikey and a mutant-human baby


Humans are VERY VERY dumb... In this universe, humans has the sentience level of chickens and are used as livestocks by animals. Our overly dependance on technology made us extremely ignorant.

^ Meet the Waiter

B) It is a lively morning crowded with people getting ready to go to work. A lizard-dog creature named Spikey stumbled across a restaurant. He begs customers for food scraps. Some are reluctant to give him food due to 'No feeding' policy, some does not. His cuteness made it unresistable for the customer not to feed him. The manager of this restaurant was furious when he was informed of this. He rushes out and reminds everybody of the no-feeding-dogs policy and he is really pissed of. Then he made an eye contact with little Spikey. He eventually succumbed to the cuteness and ended up feeding Spikey with foods he supposed to serve the customers.


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